IUMRS & International Science Council

IUMRS is a Full Member of the International Science Council (ISC)

The ISC is a distinguished organization whose mission addresses the goal of supporting, advancing and representing Science as a public good, thus facilitating the practical and visible linkage of Science to the health and benefit of people, institutions, policy makers and the public sector, in all parts of the world.  Its Members participate in its practical constructive projects and programs, based on the application of their expertise in their own fields of specialization, and their dedication to learning and linking with complementary fields and their current creative research. 

The scope and vitality of ISC programs and activities is very well displayed at the ISC Membership Notice Board:  https://council.science/members/membership-notice-board/.  Please visit this exciting web site. 

As a Full Member, IUMRS shares interests in the health, success and recognition of Science, with the 30 key scientific unions that constituted ICSU for many years, prior to the recent merger with social sciences unions to form ISC in 2020.  Opportunities  now abound for consultation and possible collaborative projects with fellow Unions, being fortified by the resources and communities of ISC and its extensive outreach connections, such as UNESCO.  

Some topics of recent investigative ISC studies and Report Recommendations are:

  • Sustainable Development Goals:  High-level Political Forum, and resulting position paper, promoting the scientific basis for decision-making and governance, world-wide.
  • Opening the Record of Science:   Report on Open-Access scientific publishing, and future alternative models.   UNESCO expert meeting on Intellectual Property Rights.
  • Various on-going studies and forums on climate change and global energy resources.

ISC sends frequent update e-mails including progress reports on existing and new projects and events relevant to the ISC Community.  The IUMRS-ISU Liaison will forward such information to IUMRS leaders and members if requested – and forward related questions or responses to ISC and its related topical study investigative groups.

IUMRS will actively seek to prepare timely bulletins and announcements of our upcoming programs and conferences and Awards, and submit them for posting at the (very active and lively) ISC web site.  We expect this to reach a broad and active audience.

IUMRS-ISC Liaison:   baglin@us.ibm.com

What does science look like to you? Is it a flashlight illuminating the dark? Or is it the shadows dancing on the walls, elusive and obscure? Find out from This is science, unlocked, a project of International Science Council (ISC).