Overview of IUMRS Governance
The International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) is governed by its General Assembly (GA). The General Assembly is the highest governing body of IUMRS, appoints the Officers of the Executive Council (EC), decides on requests for Union membership, the hosting of its Regional Offices, sponsored meetings and conferences. The GA votes on the annual budget, changes to the Union’s Statutes and Bylaws, as well as membership level and status, and the establishment of IUMRS’s Commissions. The GA is comprised of Adhering Body Delegates and the EC members. GA voting is open only to Adhering Bodies via their designated delegates at the GA, with the number of votes per Adhering Body determined by the level of membership which is also related to the membership dues paid.
The Executive Council (EC) oversees the activities and operation of the Union between General Assembly meetings and has delegations from the GA relating to appointment of Commission Chairs and membership, financial delegations and approving procedures relating to conferences and meetings and Commissions. The EC members comprise of the EC Officers, Commission Chairs, as well as the Director of the IUMRS Head Office, and, from time to time, other delegates such as the liaison officer for the International Science Council. The EC meets before the annual GA and most often more frequently. The EC Officers, who comprise of the voting members of the EC, are the President, First Vice President, Immediate Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Second Vice President. The First Vice President is the President elect. All Officers terms are two years, with a second term possible for the Treasurer, Secretary and Second Vice President.
Currently, IUMRS has 5 Commissions: Membership Affairs, Meetings and Conferences, Awards, Publications and Development. Each Commission has a Chair, appointed by the EC, and members selected for their interest and expertise for the work of the Commission. Commission Membership is for two years with reappointment for one additional term possible. From time to time there are working groups and ad hoc committees, as well as a Gender Equity and Diversity committee.